Digital 4k Fulldome, 5.1 surround sound. Duration: 20:00 DARK is a fulldome movie that explains and explores the nature of Dark Matter, the missing 80% of the mass of the Universe.
The search for Dark Matter is the most pressing astrophysical problem of our time – the solution to which will help us understand why the Universe is as it is, where it came from, and how it has evolved over billions of years – the unimaginable depths of deep time, of which a human life is but a flickering instant. But in that instant, we can grasp its immensity and, through science, we can attempt to understand it. Dark is exhibited world-wide in over 10 languages in dozens of planetaria and science centres, for listings see: Exhibitions.
Available for Download from the European Space Observatory: https://www.eso.org/public/videos/dark/ Available in 4k masters + Audio 5.1 under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License FDDB: http://www.fddb.org/fulldome-shows/dark/ IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt5177612/ Credits: Directed by Peter Morse Produced by Peter Morse & Paul Bourke Presented by Alan Duffy Written by Alan Duffy & Peter Morse Dark Matter Simulations: Alan Duffy and Robert Crain Dark Matter Visualisations: Paul Bourke Dark Matter Colourisation: Peter Morse Digital Sky Milky Way Animation: Carley Tillett Editing, 3D Modelling, Compositing & Special Effects, Colour Grade, 4k Dome Master: Peter Morse Music: Cathie Travers Audio: Peter Morse & Trevor Hilton Lighting: Peter Morse & Ákos Brúz Fulldome Timelapse: Peter Morse & Chris Henderson Parkes Panorama: Alex Cherney Galaxy Animation: Paul Bourke LadyBug-3 Video: Paul Bourke and Peter Morse Compute & Network Support: Jason Tan, Ashley Chew, Khanh Ly (iVEC@UWA) Galaxy Images courtesy Hubble, STScI, NASA Milky Way image courtesy ESO/S.Brunier. Special thanks to: Carley Tillett and Horizon – The Planetarium at Scitech Paul Ricketts, Centre for Learning Technology, UWA Thomas Braunl, UWA Centre for Intelligent Information Processing Systems, UWA John Doyle, Octagon Theatre, UWA Andreas Wicenec, ICRAR, UWA Sally Hildred Funding: Dark was funded jointly by iVEC, Scitech and iVEC@UWA. ©2012 iVEC@UWA & Peter Morse |